Computer image by "PATS" - dec. 2002




The contours of Vollenhove are showing up in a hazy sunrise.
Birds are gathered in the remaining hole near the "Vollenhover bridge"
Especially in "Wintertime" I'm watching for rare species
on my 3 miles home-work bike ride to "De Voorst" - since Aug 1967 -
Roughly 17.500 times - That's 2 times around the WORLD !!

Common birds like ducks and coots have the upper hand
but so now and then there will be a "stranger"
Shy species can be seen more closely.

The X-mas doll is made by a sister of Norbert Mroczynski
"Christmas'98" - Seymour - Wisconsin
15 miles west of Green Bay

"Birds in the North of the Netherlands"

"Translation Index Birds"

On the "Fryslânsite of Hendrik van Kampen"
you will find more images of birds,etc...

2003 "STARWAVE" next image