#55 ** 1999 - #73 - 133km ** #74


Saturday - 1st day -

Today is already the 5th time in a row that we do our annually
"bike-weekend" in the Southern part of Holland. A lustrum.
I did number the hills - 15 -

It is "different cook" then in our own "flat" neighbourhood.
We will have the 23% of the "Keutenberg(14)" around the 105km mark.
The route is for 40% over Belgium properties.
Height on the graph is given in meters - left is the start.

date = 18 sep 1999
weather = sunny
wind = S 3 Bf
temperature = 25C/77F
start = 08.30 am
present = Rein, Siemen, Wil, Bram, Frans and Teun
flat = no
distance = 133 km
time = 5:21:00
V-average = 24.7 km
V-maximum = 64.6 km
gear = 39:18
rear-wheel = 7L
remarks = Did have a good day, specially the last 30 km's
I should say : "goochem". (smart)

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